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Angel key Ring

This is a relatively simple craft for the older kids, 10+, as it does require the use of side-cutters and sharp wire. Younger children can do this craft with the aid of a parent to help with the finer wirework and cutting.

Step-by-step on how to make angel keyring, as presented by: Crafty Corner

For any questions contact us via email

angel key ring

What you will need:

  • 10cm galvanized / stainless steel wire / heavy beading wire
    (available at hardware stores)
  • 6cm silver chain
  • Acrylic beads – one round and one cone shaped
  • Angel wings – available at most bead stores
  • Silver bead cap
  • Halo – bead spacer
  • Key ring
  • Side cutter pliers
  • Flat nose pliers

Step 1

Thread your wire through the top of your cone shaped bead – this is the body.  Make sure you leave one long piece of wire; you will be threading the other pieces onto this longer piece of wire.
threading cone shape head

Step 2

Wrap the short end of the wire around the longer piece.  This is what it should look like.
wrapp wire

Step 3

Cut off the excess wire with your side cutter pliers
cut off excess wire

Step 4

Thread the silver bead cap onto the wire.
thread silver cap

Step 5

Thread the angel wings finding onto the wire.
tread wings

Step 6

Thread your round bead (the head) onto your wire
thread round bead

Step 7

Thread your last finding onto the wire, this is the halo; and make a loop as close to the top as possible, using your flat nosed pliers.
tread finding (halo)

Step 8

Close the loop onto one end of your piece of chain.
close loop around chain

Step 9

Attach your key ring to the other end of the chain.
attach rey ring

Step 10

Your angel is complete.
show off angel keyring