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Replacing a Door lock

Step by step instructions showing you how to replace a door lock, presented by Crafty Corner

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Lees in Afrikaans

That’s all I needed…..I went to go and lock my back door, only to find that the locking mechanism had finally broken and there’s no way I can get it locked, so now I have to go out and buy a new locking mechanism and replace the broken one. No problem, it’s a 5 minute job after you have bought the new locking mechanism.

lock replaced

What you need:

  • Phillips (star) screwdriver
  • Flat head screwdriver
  • New door lock mechanism

Step 1

First remove the door handles from the door using the screwdriver (depending on what kind of screws there are, will depend on which screwdriver you will need to use) and remove the handle pin. The handle pin is the square piece of metal that fits through the hole in the locking mechanism into the handles that enables you to push the handles down to open the door

door handlereplacing door handles

Step 2

After removing the handles, you can now loosen the screws that hold the locking mechanism in place on the front part of the door and remove the locking mechanism.

handles removed lock front on lock partially out

Step 3

Now that you have removed the locking mechanism, take it with you to the hardware store to but the new locking mechanism. The reason for doing this is because there are so many different door locks on the market that you need to be sure of the one that you are replacing. That the keyhole is positioned in the right place or the locking mechanism will not fit correctly into the door. If you are not sure, then ask the hardware store for help and advice on buying the correct one.


Step 4

Now that you have the new lock back at home, you can insert it into the hole in the door where it should go, fasten it in place with the screws, insert the handle pin through the hole and put the door handles back on and fasten the screws. You now have a new door lock that works and you can now lock the door again.

lock replaced