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Mosaic kits

picture of missor mosaic house number

Mirror mosaic house number

Our mosaic house numbers can be done in almost any font style, laser cut from hardboard allowing you to design the numbers you want. Height of number in kit is 20cm
Follow our easy step by step instructions to see how to make your daizy mirror mosaic projects!

We also offer two types of packaging for the kits depending on your application.

The kit consists of:

  1. Mirror bits that are pre-cut
  2. Wooden mosaic blank 20cm
  3. Wood glue
  4. Grout
  5. Gloves
  6. Sponge

R85.00 for project packaging, R200.00 packaging and postage. R200.00 gift packaging

To order or discuss your ideas and requirements please contact us via email

daizy mosaic mirror

Daizy mosaic mirror

Daizy mosaic craft kit is easy to put together as all the pieces are pre cut up for you and you just need to assemble the flowers around your central mirror. This is such a rewarding project as you can be as creative as you like with all the bits of mirror.
Follow our easy step by step instructions to see how to make your daizy mirror mosaic projects!

These mirror kits can be made out of a selection of designs. We also offer two types of packaging for the kits depending on your application.

The kit consists of:

  1. Mirror petals and bits that are pre-cut
  2. Center mirror
  3. Wooden mosaic blank 40 cm by 50 cm
  4. Wood glue
  5. Grout
  6. Gloves
  7. Sponge
  8. Gift packaging or Project packaging

R480.00 for project packaging and R510.00 for gift packaging.

To order or discuss your ideas and requirements please contact us via email

blue mosaic cross mosaic kit

Blue Marble Mosaic Cross

Create your own beautiful blue mosaic cross using this easy mosaic cross kit.

Our mosaic cross kits can be made out of a selection of colours and designs. We also offer two types of packaging for the kits depending on your application.

The kit consists of:

  1. Blue tiles, square
  2. White tiles, pre-cut
  3. Glass marbles
  4. Wooden mosaic blank cross
  5. Wood glue
  6. Grout
  7. Gloves
  8. Sponge
  9. Gift packaging or Project packaging

R75.00 for project packaging and R95.00 for gift packaging.

To order or discuss your ideas and requirements please contact us via email

black and mirror mosaic kit

Red and pearl bead Mosaic Cross

This beautiful mosaic cross kit uses red tiles, pearl beads and dark grout to add texture and contrast. This is an easy way to create a beautiful and interesting cross for your home.

These mosaic cross kits can be made out of a selection of colours and designs. We also offer two types of packaging for the kits depending on your application.

The kit consists of:

  1. Red tiles, pre-cut
  2. Pearl beads
  3. Wooden mosaic blank cross
  4. Wood glue
  5. Grout
  6. Gloves
  7. Sponge
  8. Gift packaging or Project packaging

R75.00 for project packaging and R95.00 for gift packaging.

To order or discuss your ideas and requirements please contact us via email

black and mirror mosaic kit

Black and mirror Mosaic Cross

This is a great, easy mosaic kit to create a mosaic cross for a special occasion, such as a beautiful mosaic cross for a birthday present, or simply make it to hang in your home.
Follow our easy step by step instructions to see how to make your own mosaic cross in mosaic projects!

These mosaic cross kits can be made out of a selection of colours and designs. We also offer two types of packaging for the kits depending on your application.

The kit consists of:

  1. Mirror that is pre-cut
  2. Black mosaic tiles
  3. Wooden mosaic blank cross
  4. Wood glue
  5. Grout
  6. Gloves
  7. Sponge
  8. Gift packaging or Project packaging

R75.00 for project packaging and R95.00 for gift packaging.

To order or discuss your ideas and requirements please contact us via email