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Step by step mosaic craft projects

Mosaic pot stand
mosaic heart with mirror circles

Make a mosaic put stand using the inverted or up side down method

Mosaic Heart with Mirror Circles
mosaic heart with mirror circles

This is a follow up project to our Paper Mache Heart project. In this step by step, we will decorate the heart by cutting mirror circles and then use mosaic techniques.

Mosaic Love Block
mosaic love block

A great project for Valentines or Mothers Day, create a beautiful, handmade Love block to show someone just how much you care!

Green Mosaic Cross
green mosaic cross

Making a mosaic cross is a great way to celebrate Christmas or Easter. Follow our step by step to see how it is done!

Mosaic Daisy Mirror
mosaic daisy mirror

Our simple step by step will have you making your own beautiful mosaic daisy mirror in no time, from cutting the petals to grouting!

Mosaic Baobab Tree Placemat
mosaic african baobab tree

Create a stunning mosaic African baobab tree placemat by following this simple step by step guide!

Mosaic Resin Pot
mosaic resin pot

For this project, we used some of our mosaic off-cuts to mosaic this beautiful resin pot plant.

Mosaic Flower Mirror
mosaic flower mirror

Revamp an old mirror, or create your own new mirror masterpiece with this simple mosaic step-by-step.

Mosaic Incense Burner
mosaic incense burner

This beautiful mosaic is a handy and practical incense burner with a difference!

Mosaic Mirror
mosaicked cross

Follow this step-by-step and see how easy it is to create a mosaic mirror for your home.

crafting articles

Introduction to mosaic

Mosaic is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of coloured glass, stone, or other materials. It may be a technique of decorative art, an aspect of interior decoration or of cultural and spiritual significance as in a cathedral. Small pieces, normally roughly cubic, of stone or glass of different colours, known as tesserae (diminutive tessellae), are used to create a pattern or picture.

Read more on mosaic.

Great mosaic ideas.

Mosaic team building

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Mosaic Kits

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